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Sharhinsky Mine , Crimea, Ukraine . Danger of dynamic effects in the high-pressure gas pipeline "Alushta -Yalta", located on the northern slope of the active landslide .

Conducted : seismic control , issued recommendations on the revision of plans for conducting blasting operations , supported in obtaining permits.


Silo Elimination Agreement "START -1".  The methods of the seismic stability criterions for various objects and calculative methods for explosive works parameters at the destruction of start machinery  hole for rockets. 


Mine OJSC " Poltava GOK ", Komsomolsk , Ukraine. Work on the development of recommendations for the transfer of the pipeline due to proximity to a newly open-pit mine and danger of damage because of the seismic action


"Svema" Company, Shostka , Ukraine.  Predictive estimate of construction glass lines in the territory because of the possibility of infringement of manufacturing technology as a result of the dynamic effects of passing trains on the nearby railway.


Dniester Hydroelectric Power Station, Novodnestrovsk , Ukraine. Evaluation of dynamic effects on the stability of the dam as a consequence of the start - stop hydraulic units and industrial explosions close to the dam.


Quarry "Ivano- Frankovsk " , Ivano- Frankivsk region, Ukraine. Influence of blasting in the nearby quarry on protected cave "Marble".

Seismic control, issued recommendations on the revision of plans for conducting blasting operations, supported in obtaining permits.


Mineral spring "Ayan " , Crimea, Ukraine. Influence of blasting in the nearby quarry.

Seismic control, issued recommendations on the revision of plans for conducting blasting operations , supported in obtaining permits .


Special work in the Kiev region and Kiev City (Ukraine): the destruction of brick factory chimneys, concrete bases, concrete bank vault.


And many others...

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